Thursday 30 August 2007

more lies from planet bush...

To say I was astonished when I read this quote would be the understatement of the decade! George Bush,who was speaking at the annual American Legion convention in Reno, Nevada, on Tuesday said :-

"There are unmistakable signs that our strategy is achieving the objectives we set out. Our new strategy is showing results in the places where it matters most - the cities and neighbourhoods where ordinary Iraqis live."

Who believes this nonsense continually flowing from this man ? It is insulting to the intelligence of EVERY US citizen!
Lets see how well these "results" are going - Karbala, 100 km south of Baghdad, "riots that left at least 52 people dead and 206 injured continued yesterday, as more troops and police were trucked in by Iraqi authorities. Gun battles between rival Shiite groups escalated, causing hundreds of thousands of pilgrims to flee after a two-day religious festival. An indefinite curfew has been imposed on the city."
Then a draft Government Account Accountablility report (to be present to congress Tue 4th) states (quoted from Washington Post)-
'The draft provides a stark assessment of the tactical effects of the current U.S.-led counteroffensive to secure Baghdad. "While the Baghdad security plan was intended to reduce sectarian violence, U.S. agencies differ on whether such violence has been reduced," it states. While there have been fewer attacks against U.S. forces, it notes, the number of attacks against Iraqi civilians remains unchanged. It also finds that "the capabilities of Iraqi security forces have not improved."'

George Bush plans to ask Congress next month for up to $50 billion in additional funding for the war in Iraq, a White House official said on Tuesday, this of course is over and above the $460 billion in the fiscal 2008 defence budget (of which $147 billion is to fund the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.)

*scratch head* if you can see where the progress is being made, please tell me !!
there must be someone else from the same planet as GW Bush........then again.....

Wednesday 29 August 2007

bush cant veto this.......

One thing the Bush administration will not have a veto over is the UK Government's plans to pull Britain's troops out of Iraq, UK ministers have made very clear.
David Miliband, the Foreign Secretary, said decisions about troop withdrawals would be taken independently in the "British national interest".
This issue is highly sensitive for US-UK relations. The Bush administration, which may press on with its "surge" in Baghdad after a review next month, does not want Britain to send a conflicting signal, but Miliband stated British forces have had "very clear objectives that Iraq should be run by the Iraqis".

At least Gordon Brown appears to have the guts to stand up to Bush, unlike the departed Tony Blair.

Tuesday 28 August 2007

the 3 "R"'s, lets start with reading......

George Bush, and other supporters of the Iraq War , have argued that if the US withdraw from Iraq the result will be like the slaughters , "the killing fields" , in Cambodia.

Here are the facts:

  • The killing in Cambodian fields were real. This genocide against their own people was committed by the Khmer Rouge.

  • The Vietnamese -- the Communist Vietnamese -- were the people who went in and put a stop to it.

  • The United States then supported the Khmer Rouge.
its there for all to read in history, or is Bush illiterate as well ?

Monday 27 August 2007

does the "w" just stand for w*nker?.......

Thanks to the US help in Afghanistan, Opium production has soared to "frightening record levels" the United Nations said.
Afghanistan produced 93 percent of the world's opium in 2007, up from 92 percent last year, the annual United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) report said.
"No other country has produced narcotics on such a deadly scale since China in the 19th century," a UNODC statement said.
"Helmand province has single-handedly become the world's biggest source of illicit drugs, surpassing the output of entire countries like Colombia (coca), Morocco (cannabis), and Myanmar (opium) which have populations up to 20 times larger," said the UNODC.
I dont need to say anything, the "clever" people have already said it.

Sunday 26 August 2007

its cheaper to pull the plug on the dollar !

The US is spending an astonishing $650 billion on its military this year, funded by the nice fresh new bills the Federal Reserve has issued. Wouldn't it be nice if they had a reserve? they are printing money that is basically worthless, there is NOTHING left to back it up! Indeed a Fedaral law has been sneaked through making it illegal to melt down US coins for scrap ! A nickel is worth MORE for its nickel content than as a coin! The US has horrendous debts, China (and even Russia) hold hundreds of billions of dollars of US currency reserves.

China is not overly happy with the level of US influence/interferance in the middle east, lets not pretend any other reason - the US are there for the oil. Chinas massive industrial expansion is matched only by its increased need for raw materials.....and OIL !

Should they ever decide they want the US to get out the middle east all they need to do is dump ALL their dollars onto the market, (they could ask their Russian friends to do the same) and the Dollar would collapse overnight! and with it the US ecomony! You dont need to be a financial expert to work out you cant spend what you dont have !
In my opinion the vast amount being spent on the military would be better spent sorting out the US health debacle, its farsically outdated infrastructure........or some pschycological and pschyciatric help for the guy in the white house, who seems determined to end any respect thats left for a once proud nation

so General Motors are stopping overtime at three of its manufacturing plants, citing the downturn (collapse?) of the US property market leading to lesser demand for its SUV's.................think again GM !
The US people have woken up to the fact that big inefficient engines are damaging the planet!

Friday 24 August 2007

what caused the Utah mine collapse...?

Without doubt a tragedy, whatever the reason.

Its been suggested dangerous mining tactics ("back mining" support columns of coal, deliberately collapsing the roof, but maximising the recovery of coal.), this has been vehemently denied by the mines owners. An earthquake was suggested....but quickly ruled out by the US Geological Survey who pointed out that although a tremor was recorded, the shockwave travelled DOWNWARDS, not upwards as with an earth tremor, suggesting instead the recorded tremor was caused by the massive collapse of the mine.

and then I came across this on the net........Russian Strategic Nuclear Forces have reported that the US has tested a devastating new weapon, estimated to have the explosive power of 1.4 million tons of TNT, similar in design to the Massive Ordnance Air Blast weapon ( that the US tested over Florida in 2003, before the invasion of Iraq).
Please be patient, although curious I had no idea where this was leading........
Apparently the test was scheduled for last year at the Nevada Nuclear Test Facility, but was prevented after a huge outcry from the Nevada residents. Obviously another test site was needed ( to make sure the bomb would destroy Iranian underground nuclear facilities). Enter the Dugway Proving ground in Utah, US sources admit this site is used to "test US and allied Biological , Chemical and Nuclear defense systems"
Of course they wouldnt be testing these (as they tell us they do not manufacture these weapons, and we all know the US government doesnt tell lies). Dugway is located 80 miles west south west of Utah in the Great Salt Lake Desert, surrounded on three sides by mountains. This seemed strangely familiar...........heres what AP said of the mine disaster....."hundreds of rescuers struggled with falling rock and debris in a desperate race to reach six miners trapped 1500ft below ground by a cave in so powerful authorities questioned whether it was caused by an earthquake....the mine built into the side of a mountain.....140miles south of Salt Lake City", oh no not another of these coincidences.....then back to the Russian article, on the weapons test.....
"reports state that this massive explosion was first detected by Russia’s cosmos-2422 satellite (which is designed for the detection of American ballistic missiles) at 08:48:40 UTC 2007 August 6 at the United States Dugway Proving Ground Test Range in Utah, and which exactly corresponds to the time of a reported 3.9 magnitude earthquake occurring at the exact same location."
Scary stuff

Just heard on the BBC news of another mega f*ck up by our american allies in Afghanistan, UK forces requested an air strike to support an action they were guessed, ANOTHER "friendly fire" incident. 3 brits dead.
FFS is america capable of doing ANYTHING appears NOT !

Thursday 23 August 2007

a thorn in the b*tt of bush

Venezula now gives more aid to south american countries than the US, it kicked the US oil companies out of its country, and instead uses the wealth amongst his own people and neighbours, demonstrating how easy (better?) life can be without an Imperialist Foreign country pulling the strings (and being very well rewarded for doing so).
In a recent challenge to his leadership, Hugo Chavez polled 61% of the vote ! Trouncing his challenger (much to the annoyance of the white house), and proving (again) to the world he has the mandate of the venezualan people.
Since his re-election he has been vigorously pursuing the idea of an "anti-imperialist" in latin america, and to a lesser extent globally.
Recently in moscow to complete buying 5 submarines, supposedly as protection of any future attempted blockade by the US, as well as protecting its offshore oil assets, Chavez said "The Americans don't want Russia to keep rising," he said. "But Russia has risen again as a center of power, and we, the people of the world, need Russia to become stronger.", also promoting the anti-imperialist ideals of lenin. Venezula is the only country ever to be granted permission to manufacture the famed AK47 assault rifle, and iranian designed cars and tractors stream off its production lines, on a recent visit to china Chavez agreed to increase by 300% oil exports to china, further cementing their countries relationship. Chavez is attempting to widen the areas to which it exports to reduce its reliance on exports to the US, and China is keen not to be dependent on the middle east for its oil, due to the excessive US influence.
And the insults that Chavez keeps throwing at Bush ???.........the response from the US has been very muted, to say the least. But why....................
The US has a crippling dependence of imported oil (60% of what it uses) and Venezuala is the 4th largest supplier of oil! Indeed some US refineries were specifically designed to refine the heavy Venezualan crude.
If Hugo Chavez has a plan to undermine the "sole superpower", hes doing a great job.
Still, the US still has its imports from the middle east............for now.

I had so much fun looking at the ancient anomolies the other day I had a wee look at some anomalies from mars, heres a link enjoy !

Wednesday 22 August 2007

UK defeated in iraq....who are the a**holes trying to kid??????

Whooooaaaaa... its just been reported that america "thinks" the UK army withdrawing from Basra is a defeat !
This will be the same US that UK commanders TOLD to stop bombing civillian settlements as they were DESTROYING any chance of peace! Dont forget the term "friendly fire" is a US invention, the old WW2 joke brits bomb...germans duck, germans bomb.....brits duck, US fires EVERYONE ducks!
The US created the present situation (for oil? or for some further reaching goal.)
Its becoming very apparent the majority of the problems in the middle east were created (and are being maintained) by the US. ( dont forget it was america that GAVE iran F14's), the UK forces in Afghanistan are fighting against the former "government", created and armed by the US, to defy the soviet threat.
American guys get ready to be "drafted" ! You got another situation where you WILL be, a second (korea or vietnam) its HERE! Your (lunatic) goverment (president?) appears set to take "action" against Iran.
Lets put this into perspective. Iran feels threatened (we all would).The "loose cannon" in the middle east is Israel ! Israel invades ANYONE it feels like! invades wherever and whenever it wants, Israel has nuclear weapons (allegedly the plutonium was stolen from France), and has the missiles to fire them.

ISRAEL DOESNT LIKE IRAN! I think we all would like at lest the chance to defend or retaliate if our country was threatened with what happened at Hiroshima/Nagasaki! (one of the biggest war crimes there will ever be).
Dont forget the UK troops in Basra were wearing berets and chatting with the people

I just heard GW ranting (on BBC radio) about god and freedom, has he told america he has had official white house photos re-touched to give him a halo?

and anyway where are the Weapons of Mass Detrustion ?
the only country EVER to use a WMD got it, America!

Tuesday 21 August 2007

anomalies in human history...why the cover up?

30 years ago this 17cm tall red sandstone figure was showcased in the Metropolitan Museum of New York, clearly the headgear and collar are at least strange, if not "technological", indeed, the figure seems to represent an astronaut or diver, discovered in Xochipala, Guerrero, Mexico, its origin is unknown, but it was dated to between 1150 and 100 BC ! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE ?
Curiosity aroused, the deerstalker was donned........
its up to you make YOUR OWN decisions.....
The number of strange (out of place) artifacts found is astonishing, is it possible at some time in the past humandkind had evolved into a technological society? destroyed by some catastrophic event (man made or natural), with a small number of peoples left to attempt to continue the existance of our species.
The easy option for officialdome is to discredit the finders, blame the finds as a hoax or ignore and hide the evidence (the Smithsonian has many stored AND hidden ancient anomalies).
The evidence is there for us all to see, a 2000 year old battery (tested and it still works!!!), many manufactured objects have been found in rock strata millions of years old, even evidence of a mechanical device ! There are maps that defy explanation, showing the americas, the antartic coast (without ice!) and Greenland as two islands! this was only discovered this fairly recently!
click here for more anomalies and a some impossible maps.
The only question is why are these things ignored?............ its obvious at least some of what we are taught is incorrect.

Monday 20 August 2007

home before the storm (fingers crossed)

The space shuttle Endevour has undocked early and is heading home to avoid the possible threat of hurricane Dean hitting the US (people in New Orleans please take a vacation, the mountains are nice at this time of year).
Lets hope the damage inflicted to the heat shield at take off by falling foam is as trivial as NASA hope. One of the ceramic "tiles" was gashed (3cmx5cm) through to the heat resistant felt under it. Repairs they considered were painting the felt with heat resistant paint, filling the hole with heat resistant "goo" or total replacement of the tile, none of these have been considered necessary, (I wonder if this was the astronauts opinion or someone sitting in a comfy chair, coffee at hand playing with a computer). Personally I would have done all three !
There is no room for error, when Endevour begins its descent its commited for landing, there is NO posibility of it re-entering orbit to "patch" anything up.
The lives of seven souls are totally depend on this decision (what must be going through their minds when the descent starts?), lets hope tomorrow we are looking at the happy astronauts back on the ground...............and not another example of what happens when a heat shield fails.

Saturday 18 August 2007

global warming (wettening)

The middle of 2 weeks "summer" holiday in my area. TORRENTIAL rain all day again (the norm for this summer), its time to realise global warming isnt just a threat, its alread affecting the climate in a very severe way, flooding and mudslides are going to be the norm for many areas of the world INCLUDING europe and the US.
For years that guy in the white house has been misleading american citizens, attempting to "shut up" anyone who even tried to suggest such a thing existed and generally acting like an ostrich and burying his (and therefore the american peoples) head(s) in the sand. Lets for the moment forget about what or who is causing it, its time to wake up and realise its here! WE NEED TO DEAL WITH IT !
Its time to stop pretending decades (centuries?) old flood defenses are going to make any diffence at all, look at what happened to New Orleans - imagine if that had happened in a year when sea levels were slightly higher (a few cms) and it may well have had to be abandonded (it would not be the first city to succumb to the sea). El Nino is going to be the norm EVERY YEAR and every 5 years or so it will be much more severe. If you live in an area of a river flood plain or on low lying land close to the sea, please do not be surprised when you get flooded
The UK government is refusing to rule out building new homes on flood plains, are they insane? ancient man knew to live outwith these areas, the imbicile who even suggested this should take a long holiday in a padded cell.
Just remember every time you see a big SUV, they are making matters worse ! A big unefficient engine uses more fuel and therfore produces more co2, and co2 is contributing to global warming !
And thats just the wet part! There is a very real chance that when the ice caps vanish, the gulf stream will be "switched off" and dont forget the UK is as far north as Canada! But thats a story for another day.
-40 in the winter, torrential rain all summer........still... Spain for the summer vacation (unless of course its a desert).

Friday 17 August 2007

arm(s) wrestling ?

Is anyone surprised Vlad Putin has decided to flex his muscles ?
It seems enough is enough, the Russian strategic bombers are out of cold(war) storage and patroling the skies again, Russia, China and a few former soviet states are "practising" war games and Russia is upgrading its missile defense systems.
Are they affraid of the guy in the cave in Afghanistan ? I think not ! Perhaps they have seen enough of a certain country riding roughshod over anyone it feels like, forcing "democracy" (so long as their "friends" get elected) on whoever it feels like, and generally acting like the school playgound bully.
Or they could just ask their chinese friends for a favour, if (when?) China calls in its debt owed by the US the dollar collapses and with it the US economy. The (very inappropriately named) Federal Reserve (there IS NO RESERVE) seems to think the answer is to print more money, with nothing to back it up its a very risky strategy, remember the pictures of 1930's Germans taking their wages home in a wheelbarrow? The similarities are becoming frightening.
Hitler thought he could take on the Russians as well as the rest of the world, it appears dubbaya thinks so to!
lets hope not.

Forgotten Hope weekend mega battle

My friends at T.D.P. are staging another Forgotten Hope event ! And a brand new mappack to get it going, you need to register to play so please visit
for details (its in german), downloads of mappacks (with installer) and the times and passwords for the server and maps.
dont forget if you see BORIS drag him to a pc and make him register to play!