Wednesday 22 August 2007

UK defeated in iraq....who are the a**holes trying to kid??????

Whooooaaaaa... its just been reported that america "thinks" the UK army withdrawing from Basra is a defeat !
This will be the same US that UK commanders TOLD to stop bombing civillian settlements as they were DESTROYING any chance of peace! Dont forget the term "friendly fire" is a US invention, the old WW2 joke brits bomb...germans duck, germans bomb.....brits duck, US fires EVERYONE ducks!
The US created the present situation (for oil? or for some further reaching goal.)
Its becoming very apparent the majority of the problems in the middle east were created (and are being maintained) by the US. ( dont forget it was america that GAVE iran F14's), the UK forces in Afghanistan are fighting against the former "government", created and armed by the US, to defy the soviet threat.
American guys get ready to be "drafted" ! You got another situation where you WILL be, a second (korea or vietnam) its HERE! Your (lunatic) goverment (president?) appears set to take "action" against Iran.
Lets put this into perspective. Iran feels threatened (we all would).The "loose cannon" in the middle east is Israel ! Israel invades ANYONE it feels like! invades wherever and whenever it wants, Israel has nuclear weapons (allegedly the plutonium was stolen from France), and has the missiles to fire them.

ISRAEL DOESNT LIKE IRAN! I think we all would like at lest the chance to defend or retaliate if our country was threatened with what happened at Hiroshima/Nagasaki! (one of the biggest war crimes there will ever be).
Dont forget the UK troops in Basra were wearing berets and chatting with the people

I just heard GW ranting (on BBC radio) about god and freedom, has he told america he has had official white house photos re-touched to give him a halo?

and anyway where are the Weapons of Mass Detrustion ?
the only country EVER to use a WMD got it, America!

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