Friday 24 August 2007

what caused the Utah mine collapse...?

Without doubt a tragedy, whatever the reason.

Its been suggested dangerous mining tactics ("back mining" support columns of coal, deliberately collapsing the roof, but maximising the recovery of coal.), this has been vehemently denied by the mines owners. An earthquake was suggested....but quickly ruled out by the US Geological Survey who pointed out that although a tremor was recorded, the shockwave travelled DOWNWARDS, not upwards as with an earth tremor, suggesting instead the recorded tremor was caused by the massive collapse of the mine.

and then I came across this on the net........Russian Strategic Nuclear Forces have reported that the US has tested a devastating new weapon, estimated to have the explosive power of 1.4 million tons of TNT, similar in design to the Massive Ordnance Air Blast weapon ( that the US tested over Florida in 2003, before the invasion of Iraq).
Please be patient, although curious I had no idea where this was leading........
Apparently the test was scheduled for last year at the Nevada Nuclear Test Facility, but was prevented after a huge outcry from the Nevada residents. Obviously another test site was needed ( to make sure the bomb would destroy Iranian underground nuclear facilities). Enter the Dugway Proving ground in Utah, US sources admit this site is used to "test US and allied Biological , Chemical and Nuclear defense systems"
Of course they wouldnt be testing these (as they tell us they do not manufacture these weapons, and we all know the US government doesnt tell lies). Dugway is located 80 miles west south west of Utah in the Great Salt Lake Desert, surrounded on three sides by mountains. This seemed strangely familiar...........heres what AP said of the mine disaster....."hundreds of rescuers struggled with falling rock and debris in a desperate race to reach six miners trapped 1500ft below ground by a cave in so powerful authorities questioned whether it was caused by an earthquake....the mine built into the side of a mountain.....140miles south of Salt Lake City", oh no not another of these coincidences.....then back to the Russian article, on the weapons test.....
"reports state that this massive explosion was first detected by Russia’s cosmos-2422 satellite (which is designed for the detection of American ballistic missiles) at 08:48:40 UTC 2007 August 6 at the United States Dugway Proving Ground Test Range in Utah, and which exactly corresponds to the time of a reported 3.9 magnitude earthquake occurring at the exact same location."
Scary stuff

Just heard on the BBC news of another mega f*ck up by our american allies in Afghanistan, UK forces requested an air strike to support an action they were guessed, ANOTHER "friendly fire" incident. 3 brits dead.
FFS is america capable of doing ANYTHING appears NOT !

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