Saturday 18 August 2007

global warming (wettening)

The middle of 2 weeks "summer" holiday in my area. TORRENTIAL rain all day again (the norm for this summer), its time to realise global warming isnt just a threat, its alread affecting the climate in a very severe way, flooding and mudslides are going to be the norm for many areas of the world INCLUDING europe and the US.
For years that guy in the white house has been misleading american citizens, attempting to "shut up" anyone who even tried to suggest such a thing existed and generally acting like an ostrich and burying his (and therefore the american peoples) head(s) in the sand. Lets for the moment forget about what or who is causing it, its time to wake up and realise its here! WE NEED TO DEAL WITH IT !
Its time to stop pretending decades (centuries?) old flood defenses are going to make any diffence at all, look at what happened to New Orleans - imagine if that had happened in a year when sea levels were slightly higher (a few cms) and it may well have had to be abandonded (it would not be the first city to succumb to the sea). El Nino is going to be the norm EVERY YEAR and every 5 years or so it will be much more severe. If you live in an area of a river flood plain or on low lying land close to the sea, please do not be surprised when you get flooded
The UK government is refusing to rule out building new homes on flood plains, are they insane? ancient man knew to live outwith these areas, the imbicile who even suggested this should take a long holiday in a padded cell.
Just remember every time you see a big SUV, they are making matters worse ! A big unefficient engine uses more fuel and therfore produces more co2, and co2 is contributing to global warming !
And thats just the wet part! There is a very real chance that when the ice caps vanish, the gulf stream will be "switched off" and dont forget the UK is as far north as Canada! But thats a story for another day.
-40 in the winter, torrential rain all summer........still... Spain for the summer vacation (unless of course its a desert).

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