Thursday 15 November 2007

more fantasy from planet zog.......

Dubya has once again demonstrated he has NO grip on reality whatsoever, hes announced the US dollar will get stonger due to the "robust" economy in the US.
REALITY - the dollar is NOT going to recover anytime soon (if ever), and the decline is going to continue, with the very real possibility of a full scale (terminal?) crash.
The US is no longer the land of prosperity it claims to be, in fact the standard of living is falling rapidly. The artificially low price of petrol is gone forever, thats a fact americans will need to learn to deal with, and, when the dollar is dumped as the oil currency (oil producers are going to want paid in something of value) the prices are going to soar - dont forget its not just the public who pay more to fill their cars, transporting goods cost more, generating power costs more and these increases will be passed on to the public....or the fed could print a few billion more sheets of toilet paper...oops, sorry dollars.

Monday 12 November 2007

it gets worse

Its just emerging that the outcome of the "millenium challenge", a massive 3 week "war game" piting the US v an unnammed gulf state didnt quite go to plan, computer simulations were used to simulate attacks on the 5th fleet in the gulf, ranging from kamikazi attacks on ships to "silkworm" anti ship missile attacks, MUCH OF THE 5TH FLEET WAS SUNK ! The pentagon (in its wisdom) decided to keep this a secret and "re-floated" the sunken ships to ensure a US victory.
Iran posses 2 different (russian designed) anti-ship missiles, both vastly more advanced than the "silkworm" used in the attack simulation, the SS-N-22 or 'Sunburn" which has a speed of Mach 2.5 (1500 mph), has stealth technology with a range up to 130 miles. It contains a conventional warhead of 750 lbs that can destroy most ships. AND THATS THE SMALL ONE! The other is the SSN-X-26 or 'Yakhonts' cruise missile which has a range of 185 miles and therefore makes all US Navy ships in the Persian Gulf vulnerable to attack, this system was specifically designed to be used against carrier groups.
Both these systems are designed to beat the "aegis" radar missile defence systems used by US warships, in fact in 2007 the weapons testing office at the pentagon moved to halt production on further aircraft carriers until an effective defence was developed.
Iran has bought enough of these missiles to destroy the entire 5th fleet! The can be launched from almost any location on irans rugged mountainous coastline, making it almost impossible to prevent their launch.
These carriers have a crew 2 times as big as the lives lost in the "surprise" attack on pearl harbour!.................but what an excuse that would make for bushco to nuke iran!

Sunday 11 November 2007

the dangers of complacency

The USS Kittyhawk, a 1000ft "supercarrier", protected by the physical presence of a dozen warships not to mention all the electronic gizmos supposedly making this carrier group totally invincible to attack..............well at least thats what the US would have us believe.........
the reality is somewhat different, during a full military excercise (therefore full alert for threats) a chinese diesel/electric sub wanders into the middle of the fleet and surfaces, well within range of launching a missile or torpedo attack, UNDETECTED !
It seems the US had no idea that chinas growing submarine fleet had reached such a level of sophistication, a NATO source has said this has caused a major rethink amongst the US navy top brass about their ability to deal with threats.
If this wasnt so serious it would be laughable, complaceny in the extreme, assuming (yet again) that its american, its the biggest and therefore the best..........when the reality suggests its just a big TARGET!
The bully should beware, he is not invincible and one day this will be exploited and he'll be firmly slapped down into place. I imagine a few countries are laughing up their sleeves at hearing this............who can blame them ?

Thursday 8 November 2007

US debt tops $9 trillion for first time

says it all really...............the poor person (after bush) thats going to have to try and rescue this country from bancrupcy. GW caused this debt to DOUBLE during his term.
The dollar is rapidly becoming worthless and is about to disappear as the "standard" in which oil is traded, when will the big players start dumping their dollars ? The US currency is at the mercy of the chinese and the russians (both hold silly amounts of dollars), and bush happily (ignorantly?) keeps annoying them at evry oppertunity he gets.
It looks like americas turn as "top dog" is rapidly ending, I hope they realise this and stop the lunatic foreign policies they follow before some emerging big player slaps them down and puts them firmly in their place.

Wednesday 7 November 2007

RL can be so demanding

sorry been missing for a few weeks, some real life things needed my attention.............
so lets have a little look at the "new" things that have been happening
A 20 year decorated CIA vet says ALL info points to 9/11 being an "inside job"
The FBI say there is NO evidence linking bin laden and his merry men to the 9/11 attacks
Iraq is still a farce (everyone can see this except GW), even a NATO all is threatening to invade it!
Putin has woken up to what bush is upto and WILL respond to any lunacy the US attempts
Global warming is progressing nicely - natural disasters are happening all over the world

oh yes.......and the dollar is about to become history (at least as a global corrency), unless of course the federal (no) reserve print a few million more worthless banknotes (a first year economy student knows this is asking for trouble). All major countries are dumping the dollar as quickly as they can ANYTHING else is a better investment - euros, sterling, gold, silver, platinum.

still at least things are getting better in afghanistan........oops, no they're not