Wednesday 7 November 2007

RL can be so demanding

sorry been missing for a few weeks, some real life things needed my attention.............
so lets have a little look at the "new" things that have been happening
A 20 year decorated CIA vet says ALL info points to 9/11 being an "inside job"
The FBI say there is NO evidence linking bin laden and his merry men to the 9/11 attacks
Iraq is still a farce (everyone can see this except GW), even a NATO all is threatening to invade it!
Putin has woken up to what bush is upto and WILL respond to any lunacy the US attempts
Global warming is progressing nicely - natural disasters are happening all over the world

oh yes.......and the dollar is about to become history (at least as a global corrency), unless of course the federal (no) reserve print a few million more worthless banknotes (a first year economy student knows this is asking for trouble). All major countries are dumping the dollar as quickly as they can ANYTHING else is a better investment - euros, sterling, gold, silver, platinum.

still at least things are getting better in afghanistan........oops, no they're not

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