Thursday 15 November 2007

more fantasy from planet zog.......

Dubya has once again demonstrated he has NO grip on reality whatsoever, hes announced the US dollar will get stonger due to the "robust" economy in the US.
REALITY - the dollar is NOT going to recover anytime soon (if ever), and the decline is going to continue, with the very real possibility of a full scale (terminal?) crash.
The US is no longer the land of prosperity it claims to be, in fact the standard of living is falling rapidly. The artificially low price of petrol is gone forever, thats a fact americans will need to learn to deal with, and, when the dollar is dumped as the oil currency (oil producers are going to want paid in something of value) the prices are going to soar - dont forget its not just the public who pay more to fill their cars, transporting goods cost more, generating power costs more and these increases will be passed on to the public....or the fed could print a few billion more sheets of toilet paper...oops, sorry dollars.

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