Monday 12 November 2007

it gets worse

Its just emerging that the outcome of the "millenium challenge", a massive 3 week "war game" piting the US v an unnammed gulf state didnt quite go to plan, computer simulations were used to simulate attacks on the 5th fleet in the gulf, ranging from kamikazi attacks on ships to "silkworm" anti ship missile attacks, MUCH OF THE 5TH FLEET WAS SUNK ! The pentagon (in its wisdom) decided to keep this a secret and "re-floated" the sunken ships to ensure a US victory.
Iran posses 2 different (russian designed) anti-ship missiles, both vastly more advanced than the "silkworm" used in the attack simulation, the SS-N-22 or 'Sunburn" which has a speed of Mach 2.5 (1500 mph), has stealth technology with a range up to 130 miles. It contains a conventional warhead of 750 lbs that can destroy most ships. AND THATS THE SMALL ONE! The other is the SSN-X-26 or 'Yakhonts' cruise missile which has a range of 185 miles and therefore makes all US Navy ships in the Persian Gulf vulnerable to attack, this system was specifically designed to be used against carrier groups.
Both these systems are designed to beat the "aegis" radar missile defence systems used by US warships, in fact in 2007 the weapons testing office at the pentagon moved to halt production on further aircraft carriers until an effective defence was developed.
Iran has bought enough of these missiles to destroy the entire 5th fleet! The can be launched from almost any location on irans rugged mountainous coastline, making it almost impossible to prevent their launch.
These carriers have a crew 2 times as big as the lives lost in the "surprise" attack on pearl harbour!.................but what an excuse that would make for bushco to nuke iran!

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