Saturday 15 September 2007

48hrs, 2500 targets.... "easy"....are you insane?

Normal service resumed! returned to reality (before reality returns to me!)

A few worrying developments in the middle east farce, no sign of it ending and every indication of a major escalation, Bush will be the "war president" til his end of term, his pathetic troop reduction doesnt even reduce the number of US soldiers to pre "surge" levels, over 1 million Iraqi civilians already dead, 4 million have had to flee their homes, lets not pretend there is ANY "progress" being made in any direction, the Iraqi people do not want a "puppet" government devoted to "giving" the US control of its oil (and oil revenue), even a former US general has spoken out (joining 2 British generals, who have done something very few living US soldiers have done - WON!) in totally condeming the ineptitude of the entire scenario, this is a f*ck up of monumental proportions, and the delusional imbecile dubya is stalling for time to leave the mess HE created to his successor.

The US already has its plan in place for attacking Iran:
Lt General McInerney(ret), chairman of the Iran Policy Group, favours "60-70 B2 stealth bombers assisted by 400 bombers of other types, 48 hours duration, hitting 2500 aimed points taking out their (Irans) nuclear facilities, air defense facilities, air force, navy, Shahab-3 retaliatory missiles , and their command and control" adding " to let the Iranian people take back control of their country" as if this wasnt scary enough he also said it would be "EASY". (like Iraq ??????)
The US really needs to stop these LUNATICS getting into supposedly responsible positions! Iraq was easy...wasnt it? it wasnt ! Great idea america cause another catastrophe !.These people HAVE turned the once respected US into the laughing stock of the world, the only people who can restore sanity to the US are the voters who must voice their opinions to their elected politicians THESE PEOPLE MUST BE STOPPED !

In another twist to the same tale, it has become obvious that the Jewish citizens of the US are becoming increasingly disillusioned with Israel, and the influence it has on US government decisions (especially related to the middle east).
In an astonishing "leak" from the US intelligence agencies, a plot for a MAJOR attack on Israel has been discovered, however this is being withheld from Bushco (they dont trust them) AND the Israelis ! A lot of people seem to be realising the problem in the middle east is Israel ! that if the plot succeeds and brings down the Israeli state, that this would give the ONLY chance of peace for this troubled region.
WW3 is looking a bit closer with every passing day...........lets hope sanity prevails

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