Tuesday 4 September 2007

Iran ?.......put him in a straight jacket and send himself!

It appears, with a series of airstrikes aimed at 1,200 targets, the Pentagon reportedly has plans to destroy Iran's military capability in three days. Great........and then ?????
The US is terrified the Iranians are going to demand to be paid in Euros (a stable currency) for their oil and not, the as good as worthless US dollar. (the US has ZERO foreign reserves nor enough gold to back the currency in circulation).
When is the US going to realise diplomacy through force does not work ? It didnt work in Vietnam, its not working in Afghanistan nor is it working in Iraq.
Yesterday Bush was criticising the UK because its troops are handing over power to the Iraqi security services (thats the task they were set), the army brass "on the ground" have decided its the right time to stand back (only a few miles) and oversee how the Iraqis progress. Today Bush has totally reversed what he said yesterday, stating the same plan for the US (at last he remembers something), announcing the army chiefs would make the decision and not someone in a closet (oops bad choice of words) in Washington, and we all know Bush always tells the truth.
The US is about to learn a lesson that most of us learned in a school playground, eventually some small guy stands up to the school bully and kicks his b*tt ! The defeated "bully" gets no sympathy, in fact he becomes the laughing stock of the entire school.
The chinese have successfully hacked into the US defence computer system (no surprise there) and have already demonstrated they have the ability to destroy an orbiting satellite. The Russians have announced plans to send manned missions to the moon with the view to constructing a moonbase, the report I read suggested the start of a new space race, but with who ? Certainly not the US - they cant afford it with the billions being squandered in their continual interference in other countries affairs. (latin america once again?............I'll leave that for another day). The US had the chance to do itself and some others some good unfortunately it has been disasterously failed by its leaders, it appears the days of the world having one superpower, charging about threatening anyone they want are coming to an end (have already ended?).

This really made me laugh, from CIA intercepted foreign intelligence reports, "the Bush people are viewed as dangerous lunatics who would be better off on an island in Antarctica or an asylum, eating cold beans off a tin plate while someone with a monocle watches them through a hole in the door." rofl !

lol... the rest of the world knows this ! WAKE UP AMERICA ! and stop believing the propaganda crap you are told in your media ! The Bush "surge" has been a disaster, regardless of the spin put on it.

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