Friday 7 September 2007

more wisdom from the master.........

"village idiot",..... "a**hole",..... "retard", ....."must have an IQ under 60" and my favourite..... "should be in a cell, preferably padded"..........these were the comments left today by US folks (in response to the news item on a popular web news page) on George Dubya's latest attempt to make America the laughing stock of the world !
I nearly wet myself when I read it, he really managed to outstrip every previous speech f*ck up, and thats a MAJOR achievment.
He thanked his "Austrian" hosts for hosting the OPEC summit (not bad george one sentence, 2 mistakes already), then he got the shovel out, saying of course he meant the APEC summit, that he and Howard (australian PM) were going to the OPEC summit next year, ( the US NOR Australia are IN OPEC!). He then proceeded to prove hes on a different wavelength from the rest of the planet, ranting about his war on terror.......the chinese delegate ignored what he had said and continued with the trade talks (the reason they are there). Then his laughable diplomacy...the Korean delegate asked him to clarify a point (panic!!..the speech writer hadnt anticipated this !), he was visibly angry when he announced he couldnt make it any clearer and repeated word for word what he had already said. Finally he attempted to leave the stage the wrong way and had to be redirected.
Is bush back on the bevvy ? he must be ! you wouldnt send this guy out to buy milk himself ! he needs supervision (restraining ?).
Wake up America !!!
Stop this half wit before he starts WW3 !

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