Wednesday 5 September 2007

sabre rattling ?.......the echo

Suddenly (eventually ?) Iran has responded to the continual threats coming from Dubya (or the puppet master). George, STFU (Mr Bush please google on that interfacing thingy) and wake up. Iran has not made any threats, mearly "reminded" you of a few facts.
Special military advisor to supreme leader Ali Khamenei, General Rahim Yahya Safavi publicly said :-
"The US will face three problems if it attacks Iran. Firstly it does not know the volume of our response, also it can not evaluate the vulnerability of its 200,000 troops in the region since we have accurately identified all of their camps,"he added "it does not know what will happen to Israel and thirdly, the United States does not know what will happen to the oil flow."
PLEASE Mr Bush STOP ! for just a moment and think
Remember the F4's (phantom's) and F5's Tehran has ? (not to mention the F14's), they are more than capable of dropping "smart" bombs (which Iran has developed) anywhere within their range (3200 km), they HAVE a (supposedly) "remote control" missile defense system, which can not only intercept cruise missiles but aircraft too,
also stated was the fact that Iran has an array of medium range missiles and (claims that) its longer-range Shahab-3 missile has a reach of 2,000 kilometres (1,200 miles) which would put Israel and US bases on the Arabian Peninsula within reach.


(then again its not as though it could go nuclear is it ? Israel keeps telling the world they dont have nuclear weapons and, of course, we all believe them, dont we..?)