Saturday 1 September 2007

a very british way of saying a**hole

Now that Tony Blair is history some very respected people are speaking out :

General Sir Mike Jackson, head of the British Army during the invasion of Iraq, has stated that US policy was "intellectually bankrupt", let me explain what this means (to avoid confusion), its a very polite way of saying STUPID.
Straight to the point from the General, I think he leaves no doubt as to his view.

Major General Tim Cross, the most senior UK officer involved in post-war planning, added that US policy was "fatally flawed". Maj Gen Cross, also stated he had raised serious concerns about potential post-war problems in Iraq with the then US defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld, but he said Mr Rumsfeld "dismissed" or "ignored" the warnings. Cross also raised concerns over the number of troops available to maintain security in Iraq. "He didn't want to hear that message," he said. "The US had already convinced themselves that following the invasion Iraq would emerge reasonably quickly as a stable democracy.
He added: "There is no doubt that with hindsight the US post-war plan was fatally flawed

UK politicians from across the political spectrum have come out in support of these comments, Sir Malcolm Rifkind, former foreign secretary and defence secretary, said that Mr Rumsfeld was "incompetent".

Its clearly time for America to take its nose out of everyone else business, its obvious they have NO idea what they are doing, dont be blinded by the bush factory of lies, the situation in Iraq is a disaster ! More than 4 million people have fled their homes, the infrastructure is non-existent (the only major project completed on time and in budget is the shiny new US castle....errr...sorry, I mean embassy).
The simple things we take for granted like electric lights and running water are available for 2 short hours each day! A 26 year old Iraqi woman said the only people left in most towns and villages were the terrorists! the civilians have all fled. The US has created a hell on earth and unfortunately they have NO IDEA as how to resolve it, and its looking increasingly like the "Shrub" has dutch elm disease here is what he had to say on Iran last week -
"Iran ... is the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism. ... Iran funds terrorist groups like Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, which murder the innocent and target Israel. ... Iran is sending arms to the Taliban. ... Iran has arrested visiting American scholars who have committed no crimes. ... Iran's active pursuit of technology that could lead to nuclear weapons threatens to put a region already known for instability and violence under the shadow of a nuclear holocaust."
worrying ? very and even more so when he added
"Iran's actions threaten the security of nations everywhere. ... We will confront this danger before it is too late."
We need to distance ourselves from this lunatic before he starts WW3 ! We cannot be involved in an invasion of another sovereign state on the whim of a madman, if dubya wants to go into Iran let him go alone !

just a thought.........every wondered when Iran got its nuclear ambitions ? possibly that would have been when they got their first nuclear facility, a nice 5 Mw generator given to them in 1959 by the USA.

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