Tuesday 11 September 2007

six years on, whats the progress?

Six years have passed since the horrific attacks on the US that we all witnessed on our TV's, I'm not going into who/why this diabolical act was staged, may the perpetrator rot in hell for eternity. George Bush had his reason for starting his "war on terror" (but lets not forget him and DICK Cheney had decided on invading Iraq BEFORE he was even elected!), are we all safer from terrorist attacks now?........is the world a safer place?
The Bush lapdog, General Petraeus was basically told when presenting his "progress" report on the "surge" in Iraq to congress to stop trying to put a spin on it, that NONE of its goals had been achieved, Iraq is a shambles and Bush is "buying time" (in his own words) for what? He has NO idea how to resolve this disasterous situation that HE created.
An ex UN army chief said "The world is far less safe now than on September 11, 2001 due to US President Bush's reaction to the attacks, notably in Iraq." British General Sir Michael Rose, who led the UN forces in Bosnia (where they stopped a war), praised the US invasion of Afghanistan in the immediate wake of the terror attacks, saying the war on terror got off to a "brilliant start", but added "Instead of following up the military defeat of the Taliban with a civil action and ensuring permanent security, President Bush, in his haste and ignorance transferred his attention to Iraq. The result is that the world is far less safe today than before he declared war" ending with *Afghanistan remains unstable and the Taliban have regrouped".
Meanwhile, a senior British lawmaker said the US policy of extraordinary rendition of terrorist suspects will boost the risk of future terrorist attacks. "The devastating terrorist attacks of six years ago to this day shocked the world" said Conservative MP Andrew Tyrie, "But the battle against extremism can only be won from the moral high ground" adding "Kidnapping and torture corrode the very values that we are seeking to export and make future attacks more likely, not less".
Theres not a lot I could add to that, if Dubya thinks hes making progress on anything hes living in cloud cuckoo land, we have less security in our everyday lives, civil liberties have virtually gone (big brother IS watching/listening/tracking our every move).
Is it any surprise to anyone that people are violently opposed to having this sort of "freedom and democracy" imposed on them ? Then again in Dubya's little world, it probably is.

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