Friday 21 September 2007

Hypocrisy exposed

The UN has passed a motion for a Nuclear free middle east, the EU nations abstained from this but america voted AGAINST ! so basically they are happy to have the regime in israel having nuclear weapons so long as nobody else has. Democracy ? the MAJORITY of UN member countries voted for a nuke free middle east, will dubya (the champion of democracy) now forcefully enforce the wishes of the majority? dont make me laugh !
The US economy is quickly approaching meltdown, the dollar is....???? if not dead, at least dying, yet still the US gives millions of dollars to israel every year, a country with a booming economy !
It looks as thought the Saudis are getting nervous about holding US currency (who can blame them), they dont want paid in dollars for oil...........the last guy to suggest being paid for oil in euros was.....SADDAM HUSSEIN ! and we all know what happened to him (and millions of innocent people in his country).
STOP THE B*LLSH*T BUSH, you cant have your pie and eat it ! The UN had a democratic vote, its time for israel to give up its nuclear weapons.......perhaps then the rest of the middle east wont feel the need to have them.
.........or bush could just fight another war for israel, the world might end but that seems beyond his comprehension.

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