Monday 3 September 2007

filling the void.....between his ears ?

The US have announced they will fill any void left when the British troops hand over control of Basra to the Iraqi police and security services...........this shows they have totally lost the plot. The troops are there training the local guys how to run their country (????), the UK have decided to stand back and oversee how the Iraqis are doing, they are there to respond to any situation should it arise.
The last thing the area needs is for the US to put its nose in (again) where its not wanted (again) and inflame an already volatile situation (again). The UK top brass have already laughed at the farcical post war planning of the US, and this is another example of their ineptitude. The UK government has made it clear this is a military decision based on the situation "on the ground", ie the Iraqi forces can do a similar job without outside help.
Meanwhile back at the loony farm.....err sorry...white house, Bush is again asking congress for billions more for another surge (????....what did the last "surge achieve). Its worth noting another US carrier group is off lebanon, now 2 carrier groups this close to Iran that are not involved with Iraq?,
makes you this space

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