Saturday 8 September 2007

transport errors, earthquakes......war crimes?

have a look at this video from you tube it shows the Peruvian earthquake as it happens, what the huge flashes of light that are occurring ? is this sheet lightening ? or something more sinister ?

there have been some very interesting rumours floating around.....apparently the six "accidentally" moved nuclear missiles were authorised to be moved by the presidential codes, and suddenly it wasnt six missiles ! only five.......where is the missing one ?
Its long been know (since WW2) that strategically place nuclear weapons could trigger an earthquake, the British government was wanting to hold tests during WW2 on the great glen fault in the highlands of Scotland, thankfully these never took place. But has a test like this ever been carried out ?......there has been much speculation over this...

The Bush " surge" has been a farce, his own report states this, but still "his" US media slaves trotting out the same rhetoric (propaganda ?) that improvements are being made, when a blind man can see its bullsh*t ! Yet still he needs another few BILLION dollars to chase his impossible dream, people of the world (and especially of the US beware). A(nother) false flag attack against the US might provoke enough public outcry for Bush to continue in Iraq AND furnish the reason for going into Iran. The man is being forced into a corner and we all know what a cornered rat does, but just how far has his grip on reality sunk ? LA and San Fransisco sit on the San Andreas (very active) fault line.....that just does not bear thinking about, and look at the spin that would be needed to blame it on the guy in the cave, but Gorge Bush is getting very, very desperate ! ...and....... he seems to think (most delusional people do) he can restore his dream with another potentially catastrophic (for the world) campaign.

The US media has been ignoring a few facts that are there on the net for all to read, and from reliable sources, NOT conspiracy sites......
  • The Red Cross have enough evidence of torture (civilian and military prisoners), deliberate targeting of civilians, and the atrocities at Abu Graib and Guantanamo that should the UN request the evidence (the rest of the world knows of these scandals, even if they have been "hushed up" in the US media) to indict the ENTIRE Bush administration for War Crimes !
  • Bloomberg) -- United Nations atomic agency chief Mohamed El Baradei called on Iran and the U.S. to give inspectors a chance to reduce tensions over the Islamic Republic's nuclear work. `I see war drums that are basically saying that the solution is to bomb Iran,'' El Baradei, director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said today in an interview in Vienna. ``It makes me shudder because some of the rhetoric is a reminder'' of the period before the Iraq war. Obviously Iran doesnt think the solution is to bomb itself, so its pretty obvious this a warning from the UN and IAEA for Bush to back off.
  • Germany is wanting the CIA agents who kidnapped a German citizen, removed him on a "rendition" flight to Afghanistan and violated his human rights, to be held to account for this totally unacceptable action......and in a country that is an NATO ally.
  • Turkey, another NATO ally, in a recent poll of its citizens asking who the biggest threat to their country and world peace in general was.........83% (eighty three) of its population named the US, only Palestine with 89% has a higher distrust of the US, and its in the middle east.
  • The UK medical journal, The Lancet, has forwarded a petition of some 170 signatures from eminent doctors from 14 countries to the American Medical Association, complaining doctors are ignoring medical ethics by turning a blind eye to torture and in some cases actually participating in it (a patient has the right to refuse treatment, it is illegal to force feed).
  • Disturbing reports from the World Health Organisation in the Democratic Republic of Congo are investigating a ‘mysterious’ new disease outbreak killing both human beings and animals, the cause appears to be the use of US supplied bio-warfare agents (including the deadly N5H1 avian flu virus, which is fatal) in defiance of the Biological Weapons Convention, grenade launched from an M16 rifle (US patent #6 ,523,478) the development of biological delivery systems is against implicit instructions of the Biological and Toxic Weapons Conventions, which the US is party to, There are NO exceptions to this rule! (Mr Bush this includes YOU !)
Mr Bush you need to play on the same field as everyone else, you cant "move the goalposts" to suit your personal whims. Iraq is a total f*ck up, its time to admit it, the damage to Iraqi citizens is unacceptable to EVERYONE and please dont put millions more lives at risk with any other lunatic schemes.
The majority of US citizens are now seeing thought the smoke and mirrors Bush tries to hide behind, its time they started letting their politicians know by e-mailing, writing, phoning and VOTING out the idiots who have been supporting the worst US president in Americas history.
Its going to be a long way back for the US, but impeaching Bush and Cheney (Dick is such an appropriate name for that man) before they are indicted for war crimes would be a start.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.