Thursday 15 November 2007

more fantasy from planet zog.......

Dubya has once again demonstrated he has NO grip on reality whatsoever, hes announced the US dollar will get stonger due to the "robust" economy in the US.
REALITY - the dollar is NOT going to recover anytime soon (if ever), and the decline is going to continue, with the very real possibility of a full scale (terminal?) crash.
The US is no longer the land of prosperity it claims to be, in fact the standard of living is falling rapidly. The artificially low price of petrol is gone forever, thats a fact americans will need to learn to deal with, and, when the dollar is dumped as the oil currency (oil producers are going to want paid in something of value) the prices are going to soar - dont forget its not just the public who pay more to fill their cars, transporting goods cost more, generating power costs more and these increases will be passed on to the public....or the fed could print a few billion more sheets of toilet paper...oops, sorry dollars.

Monday 12 November 2007

it gets worse

Its just emerging that the outcome of the "millenium challenge", a massive 3 week "war game" piting the US v an unnammed gulf state didnt quite go to plan, computer simulations were used to simulate attacks on the 5th fleet in the gulf, ranging from kamikazi attacks on ships to "silkworm" anti ship missile attacks, MUCH OF THE 5TH FLEET WAS SUNK ! The pentagon (in its wisdom) decided to keep this a secret and "re-floated" the sunken ships to ensure a US victory.
Iran posses 2 different (russian designed) anti-ship missiles, both vastly more advanced than the "silkworm" used in the attack simulation, the SS-N-22 or 'Sunburn" which has a speed of Mach 2.5 (1500 mph), has stealth technology with a range up to 130 miles. It contains a conventional warhead of 750 lbs that can destroy most ships. AND THATS THE SMALL ONE! The other is the SSN-X-26 or 'Yakhonts' cruise missile which has a range of 185 miles and therefore makes all US Navy ships in the Persian Gulf vulnerable to attack, this system was specifically designed to be used against carrier groups.
Both these systems are designed to beat the "aegis" radar missile defence systems used by US warships, in fact in 2007 the weapons testing office at the pentagon moved to halt production on further aircraft carriers until an effective defence was developed.
Iran has bought enough of these missiles to destroy the entire 5th fleet! The can be launched from almost any location on irans rugged mountainous coastline, making it almost impossible to prevent their launch.
These carriers have a crew 2 times as big as the lives lost in the "surprise" attack on pearl harbour!.................but what an excuse that would make for bushco to nuke iran!

Sunday 11 November 2007

the dangers of complacency

The USS Kittyhawk, a 1000ft "supercarrier", protected by the physical presence of a dozen warships not to mention all the electronic gizmos supposedly making this carrier group totally invincible to attack..............well at least thats what the US would have us believe.........
the reality is somewhat different, during a full military excercise (therefore full alert for threats) a chinese diesel/electric sub wanders into the middle of the fleet and surfaces, well within range of launching a missile or torpedo attack, UNDETECTED !
It seems the US had no idea that chinas growing submarine fleet had reached such a level of sophistication, a NATO source has said this has caused a major rethink amongst the US navy top brass about their ability to deal with threats.
If this wasnt so serious it would be laughable, complaceny in the extreme, assuming (yet again) that its american, its the biggest and therefore the best..........when the reality suggests its just a big TARGET!
The bully should beware, he is not invincible and one day this will be exploited and he'll be firmly slapped down into place. I imagine a few countries are laughing up their sleeves at hearing this............who can blame them ?

Thursday 8 November 2007

US debt tops $9 trillion for first time

says it all really...............the poor person (after bush) thats going to have to try and rescue this country from bancrupcy. GW caused this debt to DOUBLE during his term.
The dollar is rapidly becoming worthless and is about to disappear as the "standard" in which oil is traded, when will the big players start dumping their dollars ? The US currency is at the mercy of the chinese and the russians (both hold silly amounts of dollars), and bush happily (ignorantly?) keeps annoying them at evry oppertunity he gets.
It looks like americas turn as "top dog" is rapidly ending, I hope they realise this and stop the lunatic foreign policies they follow before some emerging big player slaps them down and puts them firmly in their place.

Wednesday 7 November 2007

RL can be so demanding

sorry been missing for a few weeks, some real life things needed my attention.............
so lets have a little look at the "new" things that have been happening
A 20 year decorated CIA vet says ALL info points to 9/11 being an "inside job"
The FBI say there is NO evidence linking bin laden and his merry men to the 9/11 attacks
Iraq is still a farce (everyone can see this except GW), even a NATO all is threatening to invade it!
Putin has woken up to what bush is upto and WILL respond to any lunacy the US attempts
Global warming is progressing nicely - natural disasters are happening all over the world

oh yes.......and the dollar is about to become history (at least as a global corrency), unless of course the federal (no) reserve print a few million more worthless banknotes (a first year economy student knows this is asking for trouble). All major countries are dumping the dollar as quickly as they can ANYTHING else is a better investment - euros, sterling, gold, silver, platinum.

still at least things are getting better in afghanistan........oops, no they're not

Thursday 4 October 2007

this is getting scarey....where is the nuke?

The western media is trying to ignore the richter figures from Souther-Asia !
A 9.3 (catastrophic) quake, recorded by the BBC as well as ALL seismic centers
In the mean time us wee "insignificant" people wait for the "LUNATIC" in the white house to formulate his next plan to (destroy america?) invade wherever/whatever he wants
(BUSH is a LUNATIC! stop him)

26 December 2004 was the biggest single war crime in recorded history.
(and that includes sept 11th !)

Wednesday 3 October 2007

god rest the queen....long live the queen

what the f*ck is this a**hole cameron doing to the tory party? their credibility is already ZERO and now this f*nny(leader) is spouting more crap!
If it wasnt so serious it would be funny,
welcome to the third division, "the conservatives", the greens have lots more credibilitly than you lot. (spend your deposits carefully)
Still Boris will get to be mayor of london, I really like the guy, but lets be honest........sensible ?
like the tory party............................

Friday 21 September 2007

Hypocrisy exposed

The UN has passed a motion for a Nuclear free middle east, the EU nations abstained from this but america voted AGAINST ! so basically they are happy to have the regime in israel having nuclear weapons so long as nobody else has. Democracy ? the MAJORITY of UN member countries voted for a nuke free middle east, will dubya (the champion of democracy) now forcefully enforce the wishes of the majority? dont make me laugh !
The US economy is quickly approaching meltdown, the dollar is....???? if not dead, at least dying, yet still the US gives millions of dollars to israel every year, a country with a booming economy !
It looks as thought the Saudis are getting nervous about holding US currency (who can blame them), they dont want paid in dollars for oil...........the last guy to suggest being paid for oil in euros was.....SADDAM HUSSEIN ! and we all know what happened to him (and millions of innocent people in his country).
STOP THE B*LLSH*T BUSH, you cant have your pie and eat it ! The UN had a democratic vote, its time for israel to give up its nuclear weapons.......perhaps then the rest of the middle east wont feel the need to have them.
.........or bush could just fight another war for israel, the world might end but that seems beyond his comprehension.

Saturday 15 September 2007

48hrs, 2500 targets.... "easy"....are you insane?

Normal service resumed! returned to reality (before reality returns to me!)

A few worrying developments in the middle east farce, no sign of it ending and every indication of a major escalation, Bush will be the "war president" til his end of term, his pathetic troop reduction doesnt even reduce the number of US soldiers to pre "surge" levels, over 1 million Iraqi civilians already dead, 4 million have had to flee their homes, lets not pretend there is ANY "progress" being made in any direction, the Iraqi people do not want a "puppet" government devoted to "giving" the US control of its oil (and oil revenue), even a former US general has spoken out (joining 2 British generals, who have done something very few living US soldiers have done - WON!) in totally condeming the ineptitude of the entire scenario, this is a f*ck up of monumental proportions, and the delusional imbecile dubya is stalling for time to leave the mess HE created to his successor.

The US already has its plan in place for attacking Iran:
Lt General McInerney(ret), chairman of the Iran Policy Group, favours "60-70 B2 stealth bombers assisted by 400 bombers of other types, 48 hours duration, hitting 2500 aimed points taking out their (Irans) nuclear facilities, air defense facilities, air force, navy, Shahab-3 retaliatory missiles , and their command and control" adding " to let the Iranian people take back control of their country" as if this wasnt scary enough he also said it would be "EASY". (like Iraq ??????)
The US really needs to stop these LUNATICS getting into supposedly responsible positions! Iraq was easy...wasnt it? it wasnt ! Great idea america cause another catastrophe !.These people HAVE turned the once respected US into the laughing stock of the world, the only people who can restore sanity to the US are the voters who must voice their opinions to their elected politicians THESE PEOPLE MUST BE STOPPED !

In another twist to the same tale, it has become obvious that the Jewish citizens of the US are becoming increasingly disillusioned with Israel, and the influence it has on US government decisions (especially related to the middle east).
In an astonishing "leak" from the US intelligence agencies, a plot for a MAJOR attack on Israel has been discovered, however this is being withheld from Bushco (they dont trust them) AND the Israelis ! A lot of people seem to be realising the problem in the middle east is Israel ! that if the plot succeeds and brings down the Israeli state, that this would give the ONLY chance of peace for this troubled region.
WW3 is looking a bit closer with every passing day...........lets hope sanity prevails

Thursday 13 September 2007

the day after the night before......

WOW!!!!!! amazing,astonishing ??? NO !!!
we kicked their b*tts at Hampden
now we kick their b*tt in PARIS !
France 0 (zero,nothing,nil)
Scotland 1
I'll make some sensible posts when the hangover goes away!!

Well done Big Eck and ALL the guys!!!!! amazing!

50,000 passionate scots !
are you brave enough to come to Glasgow ?

Tuesday 11 September 2007

six years on, whats the progress?

Six years have passed since the horrific attacks on the US that we all witnessed on our TV's, I'm not going into who/why this diabolical act was staged, may the perpetrator rot in hell for eternity. George Bush had his reason for starting his "war on terror" (but lets not forget him and DICK Cheney had decided on invading Iraq BEFORE he was even elected!), are we all safer from terrorist attacks now? the world a safer place?
The Bush lapdog, General Petraeus was basically told when presenting his "progress" report on the "surge" in Iraq to congress to stop trying to put a spin on it, that NONE of its goals had been achieved, Iraq is a shambles and Bush is "buying time" (in his own words) for what? He has NO idea how to resolve this disasterous situation that HE created.
An ex UN army chief said "The world is far less safe now than on September 11, 2001 due to US President Bush's reaction to the attacks, notably in Iraq." British General Sir Michael Rose, who led the UN forces in Bosnia (where they stopped a war), praised the US invasion of Afghanistan in the immediate wake of the terror attacks, saying the war on terror got off to a "brilliant start", but added "Instead of following up the military defeat of the Taliban with a civil action and ensuring permanent security, President Bush, in his haste and ignorance transferred his attention to Iraq. The result is that the world is far less safe today than before he declared war" ending with *Afghanistan remains unstable and the Taliban have regrouped".
Meanwhile, a senior British lawmaker said the US policy of extraordinary rendition of terrorist suspects will boost the risk of future terrorist attacks. "The devastating terrorist attacks of six years ago to this day shocked the world" said Conservative MP Andrew Tyrie, "But the battle against extremism can only be won from the moral high ground" adding "Kidnapping and torture corrode the very values that we are seeking to export and make future attacks more likely, not less".
Theres not a lot I could add to that, if Dubya thinks hes making progress on anything hes living in cloud cuckoo land, we have less security in our everyday lives, civil liberties have virtually gone (big brother IS watching/listening/tracking our every move).
Is it any surprise to anyone that people are violently opposed to having this sort of "freedom and democracy" imposed on them ? Then again in Dubya's little world, it probably is.

Monday 10 September 2007

scary stuff..........armageddon here we come?

hidden away in a US military budget document something VERY worrying has emerged, we were told the nuclear missiles that were "accidentally" loaded on to a B52 and flown across america were going to be decommissioned.

The USAF document states the missiles (AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missiles) were going to be UPGRADED ! and, refitted with new nuclear warheads (W-80) ! These are state of the art weapons, so WHY have they been upgraded indeed WHY have they even been moved ?
These weapons are "designed to evade air and ground-based defences in order to strike heavily defended, hardened targets at any location within an enemy's territory." I wonder what sort of military operation could be needing these.................?
Suddenly the Israeli planes overflying Syria and dropping (supposedly) empty fuel tanks takes on a whole new perspective, Syria rightfully fired upon the Israeli invaders (dont pretend anything else, they entered the Syrian airspace without permission), (un?)fortunately none of the planes were brought down. WHY ???
The US is constructing a new military base only 4 miles from the Iranian border, (an excellent excuse for massing troops there) supposedly to stop militants crossing the border with weapons they claim are supplied by Iran, it appears this is the new reason for invading Iran.
There are now 4 (FOUR !!) US carrier groups in the immediate area, WHY ???
Its becoming very obvious the Bush administration is determined to invade Iran whatever the reason, a preemtive nuclear attack using multiple warheads would be the greatest war crime ever commited, this lunatic needs to be removed from power NOW ! Americans PLEASE let your senators and congressmen know your feelings !

.......on the mystery pages on my website I just added a page on whether there has been a nuclear war in ancient history, resulting in the human race being
"bombed back to the stone age". How old is dubya anyway ?

closer to the bush backyard- latin american countries are TELLING the US to stop funding and arming militants fighting against democratically elected governments,
the word hypocrite comes to mind.........

Saturday 8 September 2007

transport errors, earthquakes......war crimes?

have a look at this video from you tube it shows the Peruvian earthquake as it happens, what the huge flashes of light that are occurring ? is this sheet lightening ? or something more sinister ?

there have been some very interesting rumours floating around.....apparently the six "accidentally" moved nuclear missiles were authorised to be moved by the presidential codes, and suddenly it wasnt six missiles ! only five.......where is the missing one ?
Its long been know (since WW2) that strategically place nuclear weapons could trigger an earthquake, the British government was wanting to hold tests during WW2 on the great glen fault in the highlands of Scotland, thankfully these never took place. But has a test like this ever been carried out ?......there has been much speculation over this...

The Bush " surge" has been a farce, his own report states this, but still "his" US media slaves trotting out the same rhetoric (propaganda ?) that improvements are being made, when a blind man can see its bullsh*t ! Yet still he needs another few BILLION dollars to chase his impossible dream, people of the world (and especially of the US beware). A(nother) false flag attack against the US might provoke enough public outcry for Bush to continue in Iraq AND furnish the reason for going into Iran. The man is being forced into a corner and we all know what a cornered rat does, but just how far has his grip on reality sunk ? LA and San Fransisco sit on the San Andreas (very active) fault line.....that just does not bear thinking about, and look at the spin that would be needed to blame it on the guy in the cave, but Gorge Bush is getting very, very desperate ! ...and....... he seems to think (most delusional people do) he can restore his dream with another potentially catastrophic (for the world) campaign.

The US media has been ignoring a few facts that are there on the net for all to read, and from reliable sources, NOT conspiracy sites......
  • The Red Cross have enough evidence of torture (civilian and military prisoners), deliberate targeting of civilians, and the atrocities at Abu Graib and Guantanamo that should the UN request the evidence (the rest of the world knows of these scandals, even if they have been "hushed up" in the US media) to indict the ENTIRE Bush administration for War Crimes !
  • Bloomberg) -- United Nations atomic agency chief Mohamed El Baradei called on Iran and the U.S. to give inspectors a chance to reduce tensions over the Islamic Republic's nuclear work. `I see war drums that are basically saying that the solution is to bomb Iran,'' El Baradei, director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, said today in an interview in Vienna. ``It makes me shudder because some of the rhetoric is a reminder'' of the period before the Iraq war. Obviously Iran doesnt think the solution is to bomb itself, so its pretty obvious this a warning from the UN and IAEA for Bush to back off.
  • Germany is wanting the CIA agents who kidnapped a German citizen, removed him on a "rendition" flight to Afghanistan and violated his human rights, to be held to account for this totally unacceptable action......and in a country that is an NATO ally.
  • Turkey, another NATO ally, in a recent poll of its citizens asking who the biggest threat to their country and world peace in general was.........83% (eighty three) of its population named the US, only Palestine with 89% has a higher distrust of the US, and its in the middle east.
  • The UK medical journal, The Lancet, has forwarded a petition of some 170 signatures from eminent doctors from 14 countries to the American Medical Association, complaining doctors are ignoring medical ethics by turning a blind eye to torture and in some cases actually participating in it (a patient has the right to refuse treatment, it is illegal to force feed).
  • Disturbing reports from the World Health Organisation in the Democratic Republic of Congo are investigating a ‘mysterious’ new disease outbreak killing both human beings and animals, the cause appears to be the use of US supplied bio-warfare agents (including the deadly N5H1 avian flu virus, which is fatal) in defiance of the Biological Weapons Convention, grenade launched from an M16 rifle (US patent #6 ,523,478) the development of biological delivery systems is against implicit instructions of the Biological and Toxic Weapons Conventions, which the US is party to, There are NO exceptions to this rule! (Mr Bush this includes YOU !)
Mr Bush you need to play on the same field as everyone else, you cant "move the goalposts" to suit your personal whims. Iraq is a total f*ck up, its time to admit it, the damage to Iraqi citizens is unacceptable to EVERYONE and please dont put millions more lives at risk with any other lunatic schemes.
The majority of US citizens are now seeing thought the smoke and mirrors Bush tries to hide behind, its time they started letting their politicians know by e-mailing, writing, phoning and VOTING out the idiots who have been supporting the worst US president in Americas history.
Its going to be a long way back for the US, but impeaching Bush and Cheney (Dick is such an appropriate name for that man) before they are indicted for war crimes would be a start.

Friday 7 September 2007

more wisdom from the master.........

"village idiot",..... "a**hole",..... "retard", ....."must have an IQ under 60" and my favourite..... "should be in a cell, preferably padded"..........these were the comments left today by US folks (in response to the news item on a popular web news page) on George Dubya's latest attempt to make America the laughing stock of the world !
I nearly wet myself when I read it, he really managed to outstrip every previous speech f*ck up, and thats a MAJOR achievment.
He thanked his "Austrian" hosts for hosting the OPEC summit (not bad george one sentence, 2 mistakes already), then he got the shovel out, saying of course he meant the APEC summit, that he and Howard (australian PM) were going to the OPEC summit next year, ( the US NOR Australia are IN OPEC!). He then proceeded to prove hes on a different wavelength from the rest of the planet, ranting about his war on terror.......the chinese delegate ignored what he had said and continued with the trade talks (the reason they are there). Then his laughable diplomacy...the Korean delegate asked him to clarify a point (panic!!..the speech writer hadnt anticipated this !), he was visibly angry when he announced he couldnt make it any clearer and repeated word for word what he had already said. Finally he attempted to leave the stage the wrong way and had to be redirected.
Is bush back on the bevvy ? he must be ! you wouldnt send this guy out to buy milk himself ! he needs supervision (restraining ?).
Wake up America !!!
Stop this half wit before he starts WW3 !

Wednesday 5 September 2007

sabre rattling ?.......the echo

Suddenly (eventually ?) Iran has responded to the continual threats coming from Dubya (or the puppet master). George, STFU (Mr Bush please google on that interfacing thingy) and wake up. Iran has not made any threats, mearly "reminded" you of a few facts.
Special military advisor to supreme leader Ali Khamenei, General Rahim Yahya Safavi publicly said :-
"The US will face three problems if it attacks Iran. Firstly it does not know the volume of our response, also it can not evaluate the vulnerability of its 200,000 troops in the region since we have accurately identified all of their camps,"he added "it does not know what will happen to Israel and thirdly, the United States does not know what will happen to the oil flow."
PLEASE Mr Bush STOP ! for just a moment and think
Remember the F4's (phantom's) and F5's Tehran has ? (not to mention the F14's), they are more than capable of dropping "smart" bombs (which Iran has developed) anywhere within their range (3200 km), they HAVE a (supposedly) "remote control" missile defense system, which can not only intercept cruise missiles but aircraft too,
also stated was the fact that Iran has an array of medium range missiles and (claims that) its longer-range Shahab-3 missile has a reach of 2,000 kilometres (1,200 miles) which would put Israel and US bases on the Arabian Peninsula within reach.


(then again its not as though it could go nuclear is it ? Israel keeps telling the world they dont have nuclear weapons and, of course, we all believe them, dont we..?)

Tuesday 4 September 2007

Iran ?.......put him in a straight jacket and send himself!

It appears, with a series of airstrikes aimed at 1,200 targets, the Pentagon reportedly has plans to destroy Iran's military capability in three days. Great........and then ?????
The US is terrified the Iranians are going to demand to be paid in Euros (a stable currency) for their oil and not, the as good as worthless US dollar. (the US has ZERO foreign reserves nor enough gold to back the currency in circulation).
When is the US going to realise diplomacy through force does not work ? It didnt work in Vietnam, its not working in Afghanistan nor is it working in Iraq.
Yesterday Bush was criticising the UK because its troops are handing over power to the Iraqi security services (thats the task they were set), the army brass "on the ground" have decided its the right time to stand back (only a few miles) and oversee how the Iraqis progress. Today Bush has totally reversed what he said yesterday, stating the same plan for the US (at last he remembers something), announcing the army chiefs would make the decision and not someone in a closet (oops bad choice of words) in Washington, and we all know Bush always tells the truth.
The US is about to learn a lesson that most of us learned in a school playground, eventually some small guy stands up to the school bully and kicks his b*tt ! The defeated "bully" gets no sympathy, in fact he becomes the laughing stock of the entire school.
The chinese have successfully hacked into the US defence computer system (no surprise there) and have already demonstrated they have the ability to destroy an orbiting satellite. The Russians have announced plans to send manned missions to the moon with the view to constructing a moonbase, the report I read suggested the start of a new space race, but with who ? Certainly not the US - they cant afford it with the billions being squandered in their continual interference in other countries affairs. (latin america once again?............I'll leave that for another day). The US had the chance to do itself and some others some good unfortunately it has been disasterously failed by its leaders, it appears the days of the world having one superpower, charging about threatening anyone they want are coming to an end (have already ended?).

This really made me laugh, from CIA intercepted foreign intelligence reports, "the Bush people are viewed as dangerous lunatics who would be better off on an island in Antarctica or an asylum, eating cold beans off a tin plate while someone with a monocle watches them through a hole in the door." rofl !

lol... the rest of the world knows this ! WAKE UP AMERICA ! and stop believing the propaganda crap you are told in your media ! The Bush "surge" has been a disaster, regardless of the spin put on it.

Monday 3 September 2007

filling the void.....between his ears ?

The US have announced they will fill any void left when the British troops hand over control of Basra to the Iraqi police and security services...........this shows they have totally lost the plot. The troops are there training the local guys how to run their country (????), the UK have decided to stand back and oversee how the Iraqis are doing, they are there to respond to any situation should it arise.
The last thing the area needs is for the US to put its nose in (again) where its not wanted (again) and inflame an already volatile situation (again). The UK top brass have already laughed at the farcical post war planning of the US, and this is another example of their ineptitude. The UK government has made it clear this is a military decision based on the situation "on the ground", ie the Iraqi forces can do a similar job without outside help.
Meanwhile back at the loony farm.....err sorry...white house, Bush is again asking congress for billions more for another surge (????....what did the last "surge achieve). Its worth noting another US carrier group is off lebanon, now 2 carrier groups this close to Iran that are not involved with Iraq?,
makes you this space

Saturday 1 September 2007

a very british way of saying a**hole

Now that Tony Blair is history some very respected people are speaking out :

General Sir Mike Jackson, head of the British Army during the invasion of Iraq, has stated that US policy was "intellectually bankrupt", let me explain what this means (to avoid confusion), its a very polite way of saying STUPID.
Straight to the point from the General, I think he leaves no doubt as to his view.

Major General Tim Cross, the most senior UK officer involved in post-war planning, added that US policy was "fatally flawed". Maj Gen Cross, also stated he had raised serious concerns about potential post-war problems in Iraq with the then US defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld, but he said Mr Rumsfeld "dismissed" or "ignored" the warnings. Cross also raised concerns over the number of troops available to maintain security in Iraq. "He didn't want to hear that message," he said. "The US had already convinced themselves that following the invasion Iraq would emerge reasonably quickly as a stable democracy.
He added: "There is no doubt that with hindsight the US post-war plan was fatally flawed

UK politicians from across the political spectrum have come out in support of these comments, Sir Malcolm Rifkind, former foreign secretary and defence secretary, said that Mr Rumsfeld was "incompetent".

Its clearly time for America to take its nose out of everyone else business, its obvious they have NO idea what they are doing, dont be blinded by the bush factory of lies, the situation in Iraq is a disaster ! More than 4 million people have fled their homes, the infrastructure is non-existent (the only major project completed on time and in budget is the shiny new US castle....errr...sorry, I mean embassy).
The simple things we take for granted like electric lights and running water are available for 2 short hours each day! A 26 year old Iraqi woman said the only people left in most towns and villages were the terrorists! the civilians have all fled. The US has created a hell on earth and unfortunately they have NO IDEA as how to resolve it, and its looking increasingly like the "Shrub" has dutch elm disease here is what he had to say on Iran last week -
"Iran ... is the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism. ... Iran funds terrorist groups like Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, which murder the innocent and target Israel. ... Iran is sending arms to the Taliban. ... Iran has arrested visiting American scholars who have committed no crimes. ... Iran's active pursuit of technology that could lead to nuclear weapons threatens to put a region already known for instability and violence under the shadow of a nuclear holocaust."
worrying ? very and even more so when he added
"Iran's actions threaten the security of nations everywhere. ... We will confront this danger before it is too late."
We need to distance ourselves from this lunatic before he starts WW3 ! We cannot be involved in an invasion of another sovereign state on the whim of a madman, if dubya wants to go into Iran let him go alone !

just a thought.........every wondered when Iran got its nuclear ambitions ? possibly that would have been when they got their first nuclear facility, a nice 5 Mw generator given to them in 1959 by the USA.

Thursday 30 August 2007

more lies from planet bush...

To say I was astonished when I read this quote would be the understatement of the decade! George Bush,who was speaking at the annual American Legion convention in Reno, Nevada, on Tuesday said :-

"There are unmistakable signs that our strategy is achieving the objectives we set out. Our new strategy is showing results in the places where it matters most - the cities and neighbourhoods where ordinary Iraqis live."

Who believes this nonsense continually flowing from this man ? It is insulting to the intelligence of EVERY US citizen!
Lets see how well these "results" are going - Karbala, 100 km south of Baghdad, "riots that left at least 52 people dead and 206 injured continued yesterday, as more troops and police were trucked in by Iraqi authorities. Gun battles between rival Shiite groups escalated, causing hundreds of thousands of pilgrims to flee after a two-day religious festival. An indefinite curfew has been imposed on the city."
Then a draft Government Account Accountablility report (to be present to congress Tue 4th) states (quoted from Washington Post)-
'The draft provides a stark assessment of the tactical effects of the current U.S.-led counteroffensive to secure Baghdad. "While the Baghdad security plan was intended to reduce sectarian violence, U.S. agencies differ on whether such violence has been reduced," it states. While there have been fewer attacks against U.S. forces, it notes, the number of attacks against Iraqi civilians remains unchanged. It also finds that "the capabilities of Iraqi security forces have not improved."'

George Bush plans to ask Congress next month for up to $50 billion in additional funding for the war in Iraq, a White House official said on Tuesday, this of course is over and above the $460 billion in the fiscal 2008 defence budget (of which $147 billion is to fund the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.)

*scratch head* if you can see where the progress is being made, please tell me !!
there must be someone else from the same planet as GW Bush........then again.....

Wednesday 29 August 2007

bush cant veto this.......

One thing the Bush administration will not have a veto over is the UK Government's plans to pull Britain's troops out of Iraq, UK ministers have made very clear.
David Miliband, the Foreign Secretary, said decisions about troop withdrawals would be taken independently in the "British national interest".
This issue is highly sensitive for US-UK relations. The Bush administration, which may press on with its "surge" in Baghdad after a review next month, does not want Britain to send a conflicting signal, but Miliband stated British forces have had "very clear objectives that Iraq should be run by the Iraqis".

At least Gordon Brown appears to have the guts to stand up to Bush, unlike the departed Tony Blair.

Tuesday 28 August 2007

the 3 "R"'s, lets start with reading......

George Bush, and other supporters of the Iraq War , have argued that if the US withdraw from Iraq the result will be like the slaughters , "the killing fields" , in Cambodia.

Here are the facts:

  • The killing in Cambodian fields were real. This genocide against their own people was committed by the Khmer Rouge.

  • The Vietnamese -- the Communist Vietnamese -- were the people who went in and put a stop to it.

  • The United States then supported the Khmer Rouge.
its there for all to read in history, or is Bush illiterate as well ?

Monday 27 August 2007

does the "w" just stand for w*nker?.......

Thanks to the US help in Afghanistan, Opium production has soared to "frightening record levels" the United Nations said.
Afghanistan produced 93 percent of the world's opium in 2007, up from 92 percent last year, the annual United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) report said.
"No other country has produced narcotics on such a deadly scale since China in the 19th century," a UNODC statement said.
"Helmand province has single-handedly become the world's biggest source of illicit drugs, surpassing the output of entire countries like Colombia (coca), Morocco (cannabis), and Myanmar (opium) which have populations up to 20 times larger," said the UNODC.
I dont need to say anything, the "clever" people have already said it.

Sunday 26 August 2007

its cheaper to pull the plug on the dollar !

The US is spending an astonishing $650 billion on its military this year, funded by the nice fresh new bills the Federal Reserve has issued. Wouldn't it be nice if they had a reserve? they are printing money that is basically worthless, there is NOTHING left to back it up! Indeed a Fedaral law has been sneaked through making it illegal to melt down US coins for scrap ! A nickel is worth MORE for its nickel content than as a coin! The US has horrendous debts, China (and even Russia) hold hundreds of billions of dollars of US currency reserves.

China is not overly happy with the level of US influence/interferance in the middle east, lets not pretend any other reason - the US are there for the oil. Chinas massive industrial expansion is matched only by its increased need for raw materials.....and OIL !

Should they ever decide they want the US to get out the middle east all they need to do is dump ALL their dollars onto the market, (they could ask their Russian friends to do the same) and the Dollar would collapse overnight! and with it the US ecomony! You dont need to be a financial expert to work out you cant spend what you dont have !
In my opinion the vast amount being spent on the military would be better spent sorting out the US health debacle, its farsically outdated infrastructure........or some pschycological and pschyciatric help for the guy in the white house, who seems determined to end any respect thats left for a once proud nation

so General Motors are stopping overtime at three of its manufacturing plants, citing the downturn (collapse?) of the US property market leading to lesser demand for its SUV's.................think again GM !
The US people have woken up to the fact that big inefficient engines are damaging the planet!

Friday 24 August 2007

what caused the Utah mine collapse...?

Without doubt a tragedy, whatever the reason.

Its been suggested dangerous mining tactics ("back mining" support columns of coal, deliberately collapsing the roof, but maximising the recovery of coal.), this has been vehemently denied by the mines owners. An earthquake was suggested....but quickly ruled out by the US Geological Survey who pointed out that although a tremor was recorded, the shockwave travelled DOWNWARDS, not upwards as with an earth tremor, suggesting instead the recorded tremor was caused by the massive collapse of the mine.

and then I came across this on the net........Russian Strategic Nuclear Forces have reported that the US has tested a devastating new weapon, estimated to have the explosive power of 1.4 million tons of TNT, similar in design to the Massive Ordnance Air Blast weapon ( that the US tested over Florida in 2003, before the invasion of Iraq).
Please be patient, although curious I had no idea where this was leading........
Apparently the test was scheduled for last year at the Nevada Nuclear Test Facility, but was prevented after a huge outcry from the Nevada residents. Obviously another test site was needed ( to make sure the bomb would destroy Iranian underground nuclear facilities). Enter the Dugway Proving ground in Utah, US sources admit this site is used to "test US and allied Biological , Chemical and Nuclear defense systems"
Of course they wouldnt be testing these (as they tell us they do not manufacture these weapons, and we all know the US government doesnt tell lies). Dugway is located 80 miles west south west of Utah in the Great Salt Lake Desert, surrounded on three sides by mountains. This seemed strangely familiar...........heres what AP said of the mine disaster....."hundreds of rescuers struggled with falling rock and debris in a desperate race to reach six miners trapped 1500ft below ground by a cave in so powerful authorities questioned whether it was caused by an earthquake....the mine built into the side of a mountain.....140miles south of Salt Lake City", oh no not another of these coincidences.....then back to the Russian article, on the weapons test.....
"reports state that this massive explosion was first detected by Russia’s cosmos-2422 satellite (which is designed for the detection of American ballistic missiles) at 08:48:40 UTC 2007 August 6 at the United States Dugway Proving Ground Test Range in Utah, and which exactly corresponds to the time of a reported 3.9 magnitude earthquake occurring at the exact same location."
Scary stuff

Just heard on the BBC news of another mega f*ck up by our american allies in Afghanistan, UK forces requested an air strike to support an action they were guessed, ANOTHER "friendly fire" incident. 3 brits dead.
FFS is america capable of doing ANYTHING appears NOT !

Thursday 23 August 2007

a thorn in the b*tt of bush

Venezula now gives more aid to south american countries than the US, it kicked the US oil companies out of its country, and instead uses the wealth amongst his own people and neighbours, demonstrating how easy (better?) life can be without an Imperialist Foreign country pulling the strings (and being very well rewarded for doing so).
In a recent challenge to his leadership, Hugo Chavez polled 61% of the vote ! Trouncing his challenger (much to the annoyance of the white house), and proving (again) to the world he has the mandate of the venezualan people.
Since his re-election he has been vigorously pursuing the idea of an "anti-imperialist" in latin america, and to a lesser extent globally.
Recently in moscow to complete buying 5 submarines, supposedly as protection of any future attempted blockade by the US, as well as protecting its offshore oil assets, Chavez said "The Americans don't want Russia to keep rising," he said. "But Russia has risen again as a center of power, and we, the people of the world, need Russia to become stronger.", also promoting the anti-imperialist ideals of lenin. Venezula is the only country ever to be granted permission to manufacture the famed AK47 assault rifle, and iranian designed cars and tractors stream off its production lines, on a recent visit to china Chavez agreed to increase by 300% oil exports to china, further cementing their countries relationship. Chavez is attempting to widen the areas to which it exports to reduce its reliance on exports to the US, and China is keen not to be dependent on the middle east for its oil, due to the excessive US influence.
And the insults that Chavez keeps throwing at Bush ???.........the response from the US has been very muted, to say the least. But why....................
The US has a crippling dependence of imported oil (60% of what it uses) and Venezuala is the 4th largest supplier of oil! Indeed some US refineries were specifically designed to refine the heavy Venezualan crude.
If Hugo Chavez has a plan to undermine the "sole superpower", hes doing a great job.
Still, the US still has its imports from the middle east............for now.

I had so much fun looking at the ancient anomolies the other day I had a wee look at some anomalies from mars, heres a link enjoy !

Wednesday 22 August 2007

UK defeated in iraq....who are the a**holes trying to kid??????

Whooooaaaaa... its just been reported that america "thinks" the UK army withdrawing from Basra is a defeat !
This will be the same US that UK commanders TOLD to stop bombing civillian settlements as they were DESTROYING any chance of peace! Dont forget the term "friendly fire" is a US invention, the old WW2 joke brits bomb...germans duck, germans bomb.....brits duck, US fires EVERYONE ducks!
The US created the present situation (for oil? or for some further reaching goal.)
Its becoming very apparent the majority of the problems in the middle east were created (and are being maintained) by the US. ( dont forget it was america that GAVE iran F14's), the UK forces in Afghanistan are fighting against the former "government", created and armed by the US, to defy the soviet threat.
American guys get ready to be "drafted" ! You got another situation where you WILL be, a second (korea or vietnam) its HERE! Your (lunatic) goverment (president?) appears set to take "action" against Iran.
Lets put this into perspective. Iran feels threatened (we all would).The "loose cannon" in the middle east is Israel ! Israel invades ANYONE it feels like! invades wherever and whenever it wants, Israel has nuclear weapons (allegedly the plutonium was stolen from France), and has the missiles to fire them.

ISRAEL DOESNT LIKE IRAN! I think we all would like at lest the chance to defend or retaliate if our country was threatened with what happened at Hiroshima/Nagasaki! (one of the biggest war crimes there will ever be).
Dont forget the UK troops in Basra were wearing berets and chatting with the people

I just heard GW ranting (on BBC radio) about god and freedom, has he told america he has had official white house photos re-touched to give him a halo?

and anyway where are the Weapons of Mass Detrustion ?
the only country EVER to use a WMD got it, America!

Tuesday 21 August 2007

anomalies in human history...why the cover up?

30 years ago this 17cm tall red sandstone figure was showcased in the Metropolitan Museum of New York, clearly the headgear and collar are at least strange, if not "technological", indeed, the figure seems to represent an astronaut or diver, discovered in Xochipala, Guerrero, Mexico, its origin is unknown, but it was dated to between 1150 and 100 BC ! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE ?
Curiosity aroused, the deerstalker was donned........
its up to you make YOUR OWN decisions.....
The number of strange (out of place) artifacts found is astonishing, is it possible at some time in the past humandkind had evolved into a technological society? destroyed by some catastrophic event (man made or natural), with a small number of peoples left to attempt to continue the existance of our species.
The easy option for officialdome is to discredit the finders, blame the finds as a hoax or ignore and hide the evidence (the Smithsonian has many stored AND hidden ancient anomalies).
The evidence is there for us all to see, a 2000 year old battery (tested and it still works!!!), many manufactured objects have been found in rock strata millions of years old, even evidence of a mechanical device ! There are maps that defy explanation, showing the americas, the antartic coast (without ice!) and Greenland as two islands! this was only discovered this fairly recently!
click here for more anomalies and a some impossible maps.
The only question is why are these things ignored?............ its obvious at least some of what we are taught is incorrect.

Monday 20 August 2007

home before the storm (fingers crossed)

The space shuttle Endevour has undocked early and is heading home to avoid the possible threat of hurricane Dean hitting the US (people in New Orleans please take a vacation, the mountains are nice at this time of year).
Lets hope the damage inflicted to the heat shield at take off by falling foam is as trivial as NASA hope. One of the ceramic "tiles" was gashed (3cmx5cm) through to the heat resistant felt under it. Repairs they considered were painting the felt with heat resistant paint, filling the hole with heat resistant "goo" or total replacement of the tile, none of these have been considered necessary, (I wonder if this was the astronauts opinion or someone sitting in a comfy chair, coffee at hand playing with a computer). Personally I would have done all three !
There is no room for error, when Endevour begins its descent its commited for landing, there is NO posibility of it re-entering orbit to "patch" anything up.
The lives of seven souls are totally depend on this decision (what must be going through their minds when the descent starts?), lets hope tomorrow we are looking at the happy astronauts back on the ground...............and not another example of what happens when a heat shield fails.

Saturday 18 August 2007

global warming (wettening)

The middle of 2 weeks "summer" holiday in my area. TORRENTIAL rain all day again (the norm for this summer), its time to realise global warming isnt just a threat, its alread affecting the climate in a very severe way, flooding and mudslides are going to be the norm for many areas of the world INCLUDING europe and the US.
For years that guy in the white house has been misleading american citizens, attempting to "shut up" anyone who even tried to suggest such a thing existed and generally acting like an ostrich and burying his (and therefore the american peoples) head(s) in the sand. Lets for the moment forget about what or who is causing it, its time to wake up and realise its here! WE NEED TO DEAL WITH IT !
Its time to stop pretending decades (centuries?) old flood defenses are going to make any diffence at all, look at what happened to New Orleans - imagine if that had happened in a year when sea levels were slightly higher (a few cms) and it may well have had to be abandonded (it would not be the first city to succumb to the sea). El Nino is going to be the norm EVERY YEAR and every 5 years or so it will be much more severe. If you live in an area of a river flood plain or on low lying land close to the sea, please do not be surprised when you get flooded
The UK government is refusing to rule out building new homes on flood plains, are they insane? ancient man knew to live outwith these areas, the imbicile who even suggested this should take a long holiday in a padded cell.
Just remember every time you see a big SUV, they are making matters worse ! A big unefficient engine uses more fuel and therfore produces more co2, and co2 is contributing to global warming !
And thats just the wet part! There is a very real chance that when the ice caps vanish, the gulf stream will be "switched off" and dont forget the UK is as far north as Canada! But thats a story for another day.
-40 in the winter, torrential rain all summer........still... Spain for the summer vacation (unless of course its a desert).

Friday 17 August 2007

arm(s) wrestling ?

Is anyone surprised Vlad Putin has decided to flex his muscles ?
It seems enough is enough, the Russian strategic bombers are out of cold(war) storage and patroling the skies again, Russia, China and a few former soviet states are "practising" war games and Russia is upgrading its missile defense systems.
Are they affraid of the guy in the cave in Afghanistan ? I think not ! Perhaps they have seen enough of a certain country riding roughshod over anyone it feels like, forcing "democracy" (so long as their "friends" get elected) on whoever it feels like, and generally acting like the school playgound bully.
Or they could just ask their chinese friends for a favour, if (when?) China calls in its debt owed by the US the dollar collapses and with it the US economy. The (very inappropriately named) Federal Reserve (there IS NO RESERVE) seems to think the answer is to print more money, with nothing to back it up its a very risky strategy, remember the pictures of 1930's Germans taking their wages home in a wheelbarrow? The similarities are becoming frightening.
Hitler thought he could take on the Russians as well as the rest of the world, it appears dubbaya thinks so to!
lets hope not.

Forgotten Hope weekend mega battle

My friends at T.D.P. are staging another Forgotten Hope event ! And a brand new mappack to get it going, you need to register to play so please visit
for details (its in german), downloads of mappacks (with installer) and the times and passwords for the server and maps.
dont forget if you see BORIS drag him to a pc and make him register to play!